Given my interest interest in low fantasy including the Joe Abercrombie books and the quandry I have over rules. Runequest too deadly, AD&D 4th too magic focus, AD&D 3rd too many hit points and the reluctance of players to run with earlier D&D editions, I wonder if this would be worth picking up?
Mind you having just read a November 1979 article from Dragon called Books are books, games are games, by Gygax who states 'that the ring triology is quite unsatisfactory as a setting for a faatasy adventure game' and the 'best one can come up with is a series of of variations ...the reenactment' (of the novels).
He also says 'What AD&D player would find it interesting to play a wizard of Gandolf like proportions'
Having played Wheel of Time, MERP, Call of Cthulhu, Conan, Elric, Hawkmoon, StarWars, WHFRP this is not my experience but then it was 1979.
Mind you having just read a November 1979 article from Dragon called Books are books, games are games, by Gygax who states 'that the ring triology is quite unsatisfactory as a setting for a faatasy adventure game' and the 'best one can come up with is a series of of variations ...the reenactment' (of the novels).
He also says 'What AD&D player would find it interesting to play a wizard of Gandolf like proportions'
Having played Wheel of Time, MERP, Call of Cthulhu, Conan, Elric, Hawkmoon, StarWars, WHFRP this is not my experience but then it was 1979.