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Mark in his Level 2 Blog  has been commenting on the need for a Minotaur for his Mordheim Beatman warband.

I have 3 of varying sizes,

An old citadel Runequest Minotaur painted when I was 16-18 (it was advertised April 1982) and which will be stripped down and repainted as I work my way through the lead pile.  It was about this time that I first started to build up a collection of fantasy figures with the intention of running a dungeon something I am now close to since I bought the Dwarven Forge terrain.

The second is the otherworld Minotaur posted separately (but included in the group shot).

The third is my Beastman Minotaur Lord from around 2004, which I believe was subsequently known as a Doombull which was painted a few years ago along with a few older beastmen. I did buy a plastic box set of Beastmen  and two chaos hounds with the intention of inlcuding this Minotaur in a Mordheim warband but in excess of 5 years later I am still not finished.

Together you certainly get an indication of the change in scale of the Minotaur  since 1982 in Citadel/Games Workshop with the Doom Bulls Axe as big as the old Citadel Minotaur.


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