I have been organising a number of my old magazines and I happened upon this advert for the opening of Warlords Games shop in White Dwarf number 31, dated, June/July 1982. This was not my first White Dwarf, the oldest I still own is issue 22 which survives coverless but otherwise intact. Interestingly WD 22 this has a review of games day 1980 which I am fairly certain I attended, but being so long ago I am unsure. I certainly attend two back then at the Royal Horticultural Society hall, one of which I fairly certain ran a huge roman chariot racing game, it was there that I remember buying the D&D PHB shortly after it came out. Most of my early games were bought mail order via, Games Workshop in Dalling Road (I visited the actual shop once in the early 80’s), Games of Liverpool or Esdevium games (A shop I used to visit regularly when I lived in Reading). However back then I did not have a bank account and had to pester my mum for a cheque or pay extra for a postal order. ...
A running commentary of what I get up to, get distracted by and generally end up not doing with my hobbies of wargaming, rpgs and anything else I find interesting. Key focus at the moment is Mordheim, DnD, Otherworld miniatures and rpgs. Any historical stuff (mainly colonial) I now post on a seperate blog.