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Helping Hands 10 Crossbow Merc

Tenth of the monthly posting of the other world Henchman in conjunction with Duke of the Blood Keep and Minis by Finch 

My crossbow merc also has yellow as one colours. The armour was built up using Vallejo Field Blue. The other two merc will be also be sporting nifty blue cloaks.

Although not featured some of my other otherworld figures should be making their first bid for fame in a game at SEEMS tomorrow using the SOBH rules. I will post up some pics.

As an aside it is certainly making me realise that my figures look a bit better on the table top than they do with the glory of close up exposing all the flaws.


Finch said…
Well done. I quite like the shade of blue used on the armor.
Chris said…
Looking good. I think your problem with photography is lighting. It looks like you have a bright light pointed directly at the mini. I think you'll have better results in a more diffuse light. Personally I like to shoot in natural daylight for best results.
wardy-la said…
Nice work Andrew. Good to see some of these figures used in anger last night.
Phil said…
Nice job!

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