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Zomtober Post 1

This is my first year of trying out for Zomtober and I am already late for the first post mainly due to being out yesterday.

The detail behind  zombtober can be found on Pulpcitizen's post HERE. (Also the source of the banner at the top.) but the rules are simple. To take part you just need to paint one Zombie or Survivor (or more!) each week, in any scale you like, posting it to your blog by the Sunday (we use Sunday's as the end of each Zomtober week). So that means one or more minis each week on or before the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of October 2015.

My first subject is an old Citadel Zombie C18 Rustbone square based although I am toying with moving him to a circle base as most of my other stuff is already on circles. That is why there is no flock.

He is newly dead with a normal flesh tone and dripping blood, with a lot of his skin torn off free showing skeletal arms.

Only took me some 20+ years to finally get around to painting.

I have another 7 C18 zombies undercoated and ready to go as well as a later zombie standard bearer. However I fully expect to be distracted by some moderns Z's before the month is out. Or maybe make a start on that group of biker gang survivors.

Others chasing the dream are:-

Zomtober 2015 blog roll:
  1. Fantorical - Blaxkleric
  2. Fiends in Waistcoats - Robert Audin
  3. Minis by Finch - Finch
  4. Chris' Miniature Woes - Chris Hird
  5. Metal Skirmish - PMMDJ
  6. 28mm Victorian Warfare - Michael Awdry
  7. Never Mind The Jankers! - Roy Williamson
  8. Cheaphammer!!! - Kieron
  9. Deviant Designs Deeds - Ant Master
  10. The Rusty Dagger - Pierce
  11. Game Mayhem - Nobody667


pulpcitizen said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
pulpcitizen said…
Great opening to your first Zomtober - a classic. :)
Ant Master said…
Oops, new to this authorising comments section, sorry for the delete, I think it was a duplicate post.
Unknown said…
Old skool cool right there dude!
Finch said…
A great first entry, Ant Master. I'm with you... round bases over square.
Mike C said…
Nicely done. 20 years is worse than my normal whining of a few months :)
Also, go round!
Mike C said…
Nicely done. 20 years is worse than my normal whining of a few months :)
Also, go round!
Michael Awdry said…
A wonderful start, looking forward to next week.
Anonymous said…
That's a cracking bit of painting. Nicely done

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