Last night after the SEEMS AGM Alan confirmed that he is aiming to
paint up a few ECW figures.
I have nearly agreed to aim to get 50 or so done by December
with the intention of a game and as Alan is aiming for Royalist it leaves me
the Parliamentarians.
My Parliamentarians will be red coats based on the NMA or
possibly orange coats for the foot.
My initial target (in line with the lion rampant rules) will
1st Unit Pike and command 12
1st Units
Shot 12
2nd Units Shot 12
1st Unit Cavalry 6
2nd Units Cavalry 6
So 48 Figures target in 8 months ā 6 figures/month. Should
be achievable even if I get distracted.
And as extra
1st Units skirmishers/dismounted
dragoons 12 figs
1st Unit Mounted dragoons 6
2nd Units Mounted dragoon 6
Figures to be based on 2p washers.
Horse on 25mm x 50mm bases.
This weekend I will aim to base and undercoat and will aim to update the blog monthly as to my progress.