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Avengers Assemble 1

About time I got around to these repaints of some heroclix figures I picked up some time ago. I have been a big fan of the Avengers since the early eighties and am only missing a few issues of the original series. Unfortunately the ones I am missing are the ones that cost the most.

I black wash the prepainted heroclix figure. Then base coat the colour I intend on using and highlight up. Still takes me around an hour.

They are based on a mix of pieces of slate (picked up off the road) and some filler. I was trying to get the impression hulk had just smashed into the ground from a jump.

I painted the base while the undercoat was drying (I was impatient), effectively blending the colours I dry brushed on together.

So first off the Incredible Hulk
Then Iron Man in a latter armour, I would prefer an earlier armour but am prepared to wait until the price is right.

Finally an old John Constantine figure (from Black Cat) with the hulk giving him some needed muscle (for scale).


wardy-la said…
Can't wait to get my Captain America and Bucky done now. Still need some Howling Commandos though...

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