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Junta – Game review – a blast from the past

We have not played Junta for > 15 years and it was perhaps unsurprising how well it held up, given  the good memories of old games. In the old days when we played this game it was always fun but seemed to take an age to get finished. Particularly  during a coup  which always took at least an hour to complete. After this game we realised that perhaps part of this was due to the people we used to play with and their slow, methodical approach to decision making during a board game.

The rules were easily remembered and  although I am certain we made a few mistakes came back quite quickly. What with assassinations, bribes, 2 coups attempts, both successful, but one turncoat rebel spoiling the impact of the first one, occurring within 2 hours the game was a resounding success. To  cap it all after the initial jibes about not having any cash in my Swiss bank account and being assassinated for at least the first four turns I ended up winning.  I will take this victory even if I know it was helped by the misunderstanding about what time it was, and the fact that gave me an opportunity to bank a lot of cash in the last turn defended by two anti assassination cards (both needed).


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