This is posted a lot later than originally intended. So far I have stuck reasonably to the plan raised in December with the following painted to end of March.
10 US WW2 Yanks ā The remainder have base coats just need finishing.
29 DnD creatures include a couple of terrain pieces
No zombies but that is not a surprise, started to get distracted on a few side projects such as moderns (africa), and 1980's cold war gone hot, but to date I have resisted.
To end of June I am aiming for more of the same with Masai and WW2 yanks mixed in with some fantasy stuff (Demon, slimes and jellies and Ants are ready to go with the bases completed).
I also invested in another set of Otherworld miniatures (including the ants) and took delivery of the balance of the kickstarter so a fair bit to paint so that's my annual figure purchases made, well at least to Selwg unless I fail my save vs shiney.
Now if only I can avoid that Toyota Technical from Empress Miniatures that is calling me.......
23 Darkest
Africa ā Mainly Masai10 US WW2 Yanks ā The remainder have base coats just need finishing.
29 DnD creatures include a couple of terrain pieces
63 Total
No zombies but that is not a surprise, started to get distracted on a few side projects such as moderns (africa), and 1980's cold war gone hot, but to date I have resisted.
To end of June I am aiming for more of the same with Masai and WW2 yanks mixed in with some fantasy stuff (Demon, slimes and jellies and Ants are ready to go with the bases completed).
I also invested in another set of Otherworld miniatures (including the ants) and took delivery of the balance of the kickstarter so a fair bit to paint so that's my annual figure purchases made, well at least to Selwg unless I fail my save vs shiney.
Now if only I can avoid that Toyota Technical from Empress Miniatures that is calling me.......